Be seen by thousands of bridal parties

Get your free listing on the Bridesquad app today

Big or small, your business can get listed

If you fit into any of the categories below, then your business is a perfect fit for what our bridal parties are looking for.

Party planner/decorators

At-home/delivery services

Beauty services

Group home rentals

Boat/Yacht rentals

Outdoor group activites

Party buses

Wine/Beer tours

Restaurant packages

Local tours/sightseeing

Group photo shoots

Private chefs

And so much more!

Are you a henna tattoo artist, a card reader, or something even cooler? If you offer anything fun and memorable for groups, you should be listed.

Be seen by thousands of bachelorette parties

We aim to make the process as easy and simple as possible. Get your free listing on the Bridesquad app today, with zero fees or strings attached.

Top Bachelorette Locations

These are the locations that we're currently serving. If you're located in one or multiple locations, apply to get listed today.

Austin, TX

Charleston, SC

Chicago, IL

Denver, CO

Las Vegas, NV

Miami, FL

Nashville, TN

New Orleans, LA

Orlando, FL

Palm Springs, FL

San Diego, CA

Savannah, GA

Located elsewhere?

No problem! We're constantly assessing new locations that our bachelorette parties are interested in. Go ahead and become a partner so that we can connect and get you listed.

Common Questions

What kind of businesses can be listed?

Any business that caters to groups, events or rentals is up our alley. Think group dance classes, henna tattoos, tours, photographers, and more.

What is the cost for getting listed?

The cost is 100% free! We will never charge partners to be listed on our app.

How does the listing work?

Once listed, you'll be able to add your services/products as offers on the Bridesquad app through our partner portal. You'll be able to add details, images and a direct link to book your service from the app.

What kind of offers can I post once I become a partner?

Whatever your business offers as a package you can list on the app. Per person or per group offers work best. Each offer you submit will be cross-checked by our team before it's published.

What are the benefits of being listed?

Did we mention getting traffic from thousands of bridal parties every month, free of charge? In addition to increased visibility, you'll have exclusive opportunities for promotion and marketing within the app for even more visibility with users interested in your service/product.

How can I get in contact for other forms of partnership?

Easy, hit the "Become a Partner" button to enter your details and start the process. You'll be able to create a listing upon confirming your business and email.

Reach thousands with your free listing

Increase your ability for more sales and business by reaching thousands on the Bridesquad app.

Bridesquad is the only app with all the tools you need to plan an unforgettable bachelorette party. From the bach to the big day, our free app has you covered.


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